8 42. When it is desired to find how many times one number is contained in another, the process of reckoning is called Division.
The number to be divided is called the Dividend.
The number by which it is divided is called the Divisor.
The answer is called the Quotient.
If there is a number left after dividing, it is called the Remainder.
Illustration.—A certain teacher had 48 apples which he wished to distribute equally among 6 scholars. How many must he give to each?
He must give to each as many apples as 6, (the number of scholars) is contained times in 48, the number of apples. We enquire what number 6 must be multiplied by to make 48. We see that 8 is the number, because 8 times 6 are 48. 6 then is contained 8 times in 48, and he must give to each of the scholars 8 apples.
Division table.
2 in 2 1 time | 3 in 3 1 time
2 “ 3 2 times | 3 “ 6 2 times