Page:Elementary arithmetic in Cherokee and English.pdf/65

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$ 33. When any number is to be added to itself ser- veral times, the operation may be shortened by a process called MULTIPLICATION.

1. If a man can earn 8 dollars in 1 week, what will he earn in 4 weeks?

Illustration.—It is evident, since a man can earn 8 dollars in 1 week, that in 4 weeks he will earn 4 times as much, and the result may be obtained by addition; thus, 8+8+8+8=32 dollars; or, by a more convenient process, by multiplying by 4, the number of times 8 dollars is to be taken; thus, 4 times 8 dollars are 32 dollars. Hence in 4 weeks he will earn 32 dollars.

MULIPLICATION TABLE. -2 times 1 are 2 3 times 1 2 66 4 CON 6.4 0 - 1009 Occo Coco C D 0016 • 24 6 2 66 11 56 22 12 66 9 10 11 12 6 27 6 30 56 33 36 2 4 times 1 15 times 1 2 46.6 4 5 3 4 .. 12 6 16 566 5 6 5 6 5 6 5 6

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