§ 9. For convenience in reading, the figures are divided into periods of three figures each.
The first period is called the Unit period.
The 2d period is called the Thousand period.
The 3d period is called the Million period.
The 4th period is called the Billion period.
The 5th period is called the Trillion period.
The 6th period is called the Quadrillion period.
The 7th period is called the Quintillion period.
The 8th period is called the Sextillion period.
The 9th period is called the Septillion period.
The 10th period is called the Octillion period.
The 11th period is called the Nonillion period.
The 12th period is called the Decillion period.
§ 10. Rule for Numeration:—Begin at the right hand, and point off the numbers into periods of three figures each.
Then, beginning at the left hand, read the figures in each period, and say whether they are so many units, thousands, millions, &c. Thus:
1. 10, ten; or one ten and no unit.
2. 12, twelve; or one ten and two units.
3. 25, twenty-five; or two tens and five units.
4. 60, sixty; or six tens and no units
5. 200, two hundred; 2 hundreds, 0 tens, and 0 units.
6. 305, three hundred and five; 3 hundreds, 0 tens, and 5 units.
7. 7405, seven thousand, four hundred and five; 7 thous-
ands, 4 hundreds, 0 tens, and 5 units.
§ 11. Writing figures is called Notation.
Reading figures is called Numeration.
Examples in Notation and Numeration to be written, pointed off, and read:
1. | 67 | 7. | 6124076 | 13. | 804321049 |
2. | 125 | 8. | 8073405 | 14. | 90067236708 |
3. | 6256 | 9. | 26940123 | 15. | 870432697082 |
4. | 4697 | 10. | 9602816 | 16. | 1704291672301 |
5. | 23697 | 11. | 87000032 | 17. | 3409672103604 |
6. | 412804 | 12. | 1987004086 | 18. | 49701342641714 |
19. | 8760218760541 | 21. | 30267821040291 | ||
20. | 904326170365 | 22. | 907620380467026 |